Friday, June 5, 2015

Blog Ideas Again..... And My Blog For Today! :)

Hi! Its me again! I would like to change the purpose of this blog. I want to change it to a blog about anything that I would like to write about.
I will still blog about horses. ;)
Thanks! :)

Sooo, I wanted to talk about a game that I play and give u a link to it. Here it is: Basically, what you do is socialize and have "buddies" and stuff like that. Anyway, if you know what Animal Jam is you don't need to watch the video below. ( I copied and pasted the video from the internet)  Ok, so enough about Animal Jam. BTW, my username on Animal Jam is hippityhop2.

Now I'm gonna talk about horses. During my Sunday ride I rode Savannah. Since I had a double lesson I rode Luna for the second lesson. Then on Monday I rode Squire, and I rode him again on Thursday! A couple of weeks ago  I went to my coach's barn for the first time and had a makeup lesson, and rode her sweet horse Lauren! I had set some goals for myself and I achieved some of them on a horse I've only ridden once before! YAY! I jumped, cantered, trotted and walked on Lauren.

Oh, and before I forget,  I am working on a plan to stop illegal poaching! I know now that the black rhino is extinct in the wild, thanks to an ugly poacher, so I would like some help working on a plan. Do any of you have any thoughts you would like to share or do you already know of an organization that is already helping this cause? If so, email them to me at .

Thanks for reading and watching! Bye!                                                                                                                                                            

Monday, March 9, 2015

Yesterdays Ride! ;)

Hello! Yesterdays ride I got to have 2 rides in a row! I love those days! I rode a horse named Savanah for the first ride and then a horse named Luna for the second ride.
In the first lesson I cantered, jumped and trotted. In the second lesson we got to go in the field!  
I have wondered if anyone that reads my blog actually
  rides horses or used to ride horses? :/ 
My mom rides a Tennessee Walker named Magnum. he is sooooo beautiful when he gates!

Thanks for reading!
I will write to you soon! 
;) ;b

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Monthly entry!


So, each month I have decided to make at least 2 or more entries not about horses. This months non-horse entry is about a special surprise that might be coming in August....  A BUNNY! Only if I am very  good  and take very good care of my animals (a dog and a cat). anyway... I am thinking that I will get a dwarf bunny!

 Please check out 
101 Rabbits. Her channel is great! Here is a video that she made on how to set up a bunnies cage.

I cant wait to possibly get a bunny!

I will write to you all soon! 


Monday, February 9, 2015

Its All In The Trust.

                    This horse in the video below is blindfolded and chooses to trust her rider.


 When you ride a horse do you ever wonder why the horse never bucks you off when you ride or hurt you when you groom it? Well, you are hopefully trusting the horse and the horse is trusting you. 

Watch this video to see what I am talking about. Do you see how the horse trusts her rider and the rider trusts the horse? 

When I first started riding I had absolutely no trust with any horse at all. However, as I rode more and more I developed a trust with a horse named Aspen. Aspen became my favorite horse EVER. Then I started to lease her and another horse named Squire AKA Squizzle, which is his nickname. Soon I started to develop a trust with Squire too. Aspen and Squire became my two most favorite horses EVER. 

That is my story.  I hope you have a good horse relationship story like mine.


                                                        Thanks For Reading This Post!

Monday, February 2, 2015

jumping my girl!

Me and my baby Aspen jumping a flat jump! I love to canter over these! Really pretty!

a little about me and my love for horses!

Hi! I have a very, very  big love of horses. It all started when  my family and I lived on a farm in  Maryland. We boarded horses, had chickens and we even had goats for a while! Anyway...... my mom wanted me to ride horses  but I showed no liking to riding.
  I had taken a short lesson and it was basically a pony ride :/  ugh!
 Later in my life we moved to Georiga ( the peach state ) that's where I live now. We found and settled on a private school. I made very good friends. I was friends with everyone there. One day my new friend told about the place where she rode horses. I told my mom when I got home ( I was very exited )  My mom  was kind of disappointed. She asked me why I did not take a liking for horses at the farm and I told her that I did not know why. Soon she signed me up and I fell in everlasting love with a horse named Aspen. Here I am, 2 years from then and I am walking, trotting, cantering and jumping up to 2 foot jumps  ( I can canter them ). P.S. Ive even won 6 ribbons in the last horse show.

 And thats my fun horsy barn crazy life!

Thanks For Reading!

Hello World!

My first test blog. Wish me luck!